We are the Roberds.

We are Joshua and Ashleigh Roberds, husband and wife, and the only two humans in this photo. I (Ashleigh) have dreamed of owning a farm and raising Golden Retrievers since I can remember. My dream came true in May 2017 when we bought our farm in Williamston, Michigan. We had 3 dogs at the time and our furry family has continued to grow since then as our dreams have continued to grow! We bought a bigger farm with more land for all of our animals to enjoy in Saint Johns, Michigan in 2023. We now have 11 dogs, 4 of which are used for my breeding program. All are our family and live inside our house with us. Our dogs spend their days on our 20 acre farm, playing fetch, going on long walks down country roads and around our property, following me around as I do farm chores, napping on the couches in our house and sleeping on our bed (you’d be surprised how many pups you can fit on a king size bed!). When we’re not at home on the farm, they spend their days at our cabin in the Upper Peninsula running through the woods on long hikes and swimming in Lake Superior! I am a small breeder only having a couple of litters a year and pour all of my time and love into the puppies I have. My dogs are my world and I raise each puppy like my own until the day they join their forever families. I love raising these puppies. I LOVE this breed and this cross of breeds I just started to raise. And this will always all be because of my first Golden, Cooper, who showed me that Golden Retrievers really are as amazing as I had always dreamed they would be.